Organise Your Kitchen

The first place to start being organised is in the kitchen, no matter its size, as it is the place that helps you to not only enjoy delicious meals, but also achieve a healthy weight along the way.  An organised kitchen, pantry, and refrigerator makes everything from menu creation, grocery shopping, and meal preparation easier as…

Body Mass Index & Waist: Hip Ratio

This ratio of weight: height allows you to broadly classify your health risk. Calculate your Body Mass Index(BMI): Your weight (kg) =Your height (metres) =BMI = weight (kg) / height (metres)2 Your BMI =____________ Interpreting BMI: 18.5 – 25 is in the healthy BMI range; 25 – 30 is classified as overweight; 30 + is…

Portion Control

A simple way to work out your serve sizes is to look at your hands or use your measuring scales and cups. A portion of meat and meat alternatives should be the size and thickness of your palm, a portion of breads, cereals and starchy vegetables should be the size and thickness of your fist…