How Much Water is Enough?

The answer depends on your body size and daily activity level. On average, an adult will lose between one and three litres of water per day. Water is lost through urine, faeces, perspiration and breathing. Some of this loss can be replaced by moisture in the food and beverages we consume. Beverages such as coffee…

Fibre & Your Diet for Adults

The recommended daily intake of fibre is 30–35 grams; significantly more than the current average intake of 15–20 grams per day. For children and adolescents, the recommended daily fibre intake is lower than an adult’s recommended daily fibre intake. Fibre needs to absorb fluid in your bowel; so, if you are consuming the recommended 30…

Who should have their cholesterol checked?

Excess cholesterol can lead to heart disease however high blood cholesterol has no symptoms. Screening can detect cholesterol abnormalities before heart disease develops or worsens. That is why every adult should have his or her cholesterol checked regularly. All adults 20 years and older should have their cholesterol checked at least once every five years.…

Main Types of Dietary Fat

There are four main types of dietary fat, all having a different effect on your body. Saturated Fats These increase your risk of developing heart disease by raising your low-density lipoprotein (LDL or ‘bad’) cholesterol levels and may also decrease your levels of protective high-density lipoprotein (HDL or ‘good’) cholesterol. Saturated fats are mainly found…

Modifying Recipes

There’s no need to venture out in search of new recipes when you already have your cherished favourites. To modify recipes you already cook, you can do three things: substitute high fat, high energy ingredients with low fat, low energy ingredients; reduce the quantities of low fat ingredients in your recipes or eliminate any high…

Preparing & Cooking Meats & Vegetables

Meat and Poultry Meats are a good source of minerals including iron, copper, zinc, and manganese. These minerals are essential for many bodily functions such as transporting oxygen in the blood (iron), forming red blood cells (copper) and supporting the immune system (zinc). Zinc is essential for many bodily functions and deficiency can lead to…

Healthy Snacks

Including a nutritious mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack is a great way to manage hunger levels, which can help to reduce portion sizes and overeating at main meals. It also assists with managing energy, concentration and blood sugar levels. Each of the following represents a suitable snack idea for a healthy diet. The components of a…

Takeaway Meals

By preparing your own meals, you can save money and control the fat and energy content of the food you eat. But do not worry if a situation calls for takeaway food; it is fine in moderation, especially when you have planned to compensate for the additional energy. To reduce the amount of fat and…

Tips to Help You Minimise Your Alcohol Intake

The following tips may help you to minimise your alcohol intake: Pre plan social situations – Before you depart on a night out, plan the type and quantity of alcohol you will consume and devise tactics to ensure you stick with your plan. For example, check there will be suitable low energy drinks available or…

Low Calorie Sauce Options

There are many ways to add flavor to your food without adding calories. There are many low-calorie sauces available on the market. These sauces can be a great way to add flavor to your food without adding a lot of calories. Here are some of our favourites and how to use them. Sauce, Serves, Calories…