Planning for an Event

Ask yourself five questions before you leave the house for an event: Where will I be eating? Who will I be eating with? What will I be eating and what is my calorie budget? What tactics will I employ to ensure I stick to my plan? What will I do to compensate for extra energy…

The Benefits of Resistance Training

Increased Muscle Strength and Mass: Resistance training is known to improve muscle strength and increase muscle size. Progressive overload, which involves gradually increasing the resistance or intensity of the exercises, is often used to stimulate muscle growth. Improved Bone Health: Resistance training can enhance bone mineral density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Weight…

Managing Your High Risk Situations

Managing Your High Risk Situations Consider the following chain of events that led to an overeating episode for ‘Jane’: Jane was driving home from work and stopped at the convenience store to buy milk and bread. She noticed her favourite ice cream was on special and decided to take advantage of this bargain by purchasing…

Tips to Help You Minimise Your Alcohol Intake

The following tips may help you to minimise your alcohol intake: Pre plan social situations – Before you depart on a night out, plan the type and quantity of alcohol you will consume and devise tactics to ensure you stick with your plan. For example, check there will be suitable low energy drinks available or…