1500 Calorie Food Only Meal Plan

The 1500 Calorie Meal Plan is designed to achieve gradual weight loss in a balanced manner. Aim to achieve the correct number of servings each day. The total number of calories will depend on the food choices made. Option 1 MEAL PLAN OPTION 1 Breakfast ¾ cup cereal, 250ml reduced fat milk Morning Tea 1…

Integrating Movement Into Your Day

Incidental exercise is a great way to get more active without having to set aside a specific time for exercise. It’s also a great way to start slowly and gradually increase your activity level. Even small changes can make a big difference in your health and fitness. https://youtu.be/0pmxMv-Hbmg An activity tracker can assist you in…


Alcohol is a potent source of calories for your body. One standard drink contains 10 grams of pure alcohol, which is equivalent to 70 calories. That means that five standard drinks are equal to an extra meal! However, alcohol is also a stimulant, which can lead to poor food choices. Additionally, alcohol is nutritionally empty,…

Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale

It is a good idea to evaluate your exercise routine from time to time. It is important you enjoy your chosen form of exercise, otherwise you may find it difficult to maintain your routine. To find out how much you are enjoying your chosen form of exercise, please rate how you feel about the physical…