Common Weight Management Struggles

Embarking on a weight loss journey is often filled with hope and determination, but the road to long-term weight maintenance can be fraught with challenges and fears. From battling constant hunger to facing social pressures and fears of regaining lost weight, individuals navigating weight management encounter a myriad of frustrations, fears, and desires. Understanding these…

Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity

Incidental Physical Activity and Cancer Risk Reduction Introduction Cancer, a leading cause of mortality worldwide, often appears as an unavoidable threat. While genetic and environmental risk factors cannot be avoided, regular, structured exercise has been widely shown to reduce the risk of most types of cancer. However, recent research suggests that the key to reducing…


Antioxidants and Free Radicals: Understanding Cellular Damage from Oxidation Our bodies utilise oxygen, a crucial element for survival, but this process also generates unstable molecules known as free radicals. These free radicals can harm cell structures such as proteins, fats (lipids), and even our genetic material (DNA). While our bodies possess natural defenses against some…

Reducing Your Risk of Cancer

The exact mechanisms are still being studied, but several factors likely contribute: Increased hormone levels: Excess body fat, particularly visceral fat around the organs, can lead to higher levels of hormones like insulin and estrogen, which may promote cancer growth. Chronic inflammation: Obesity is linked to chronic low-grade inflammation, which can damage cells and increase cancer risk. Changes in…

What Kinds of Calcium Supplements Are Available?

Calcium is present in many multivitamin/mineral supplements, calcium supplements, and supplements containing calcium and other nutrients like vitamin D. The main forms of calcium in dietary supplements are calcium carbonate and calcium citrate. Calcium carbonate is best absorbed with food. Some over-the-counter antacids, such as Tums and Rolaids, also contain calcium carbonate. Calcium citrate is…

Exercise & Bone Health

There are several simple steps to support bone health beyond ensuring adequate calcium intake, with exercise being a key factor in maintaining bone health. Research indicates that not all exercises benefit bones equally. Bones benefit from a certain amount of impact or strain, making specific types of exercise more beneficial. The impact an exercise has…

Less Salt Please

World Salt Awareness Week, organised by the World Action of Salt and Health (WASH), encourages global participation in the “Less Salt Please” initiative. This initiative emphasizes that everyone, including chefs, can reduce salt usage and still enjoy flavorful food. “Less Salt Please” promotes taking control of salt in food preparation by using less salt and…

High Protein Products

Product Serving Size Protein Calories D & J’s Nature Protein Roasted Edamame 50g 23g 220 YoPro Perform Yoghurt 175g 20g 119 Chobani Fit Yoghurt 170g 15.5 96 Rokeby Farms Smoothies (Vanilla, Espresso, Choc Honeycomb, Dutch Chocolate and Banana) 425ml 30g 251-288 Bulla High Protein Cottage Cheese 100g 12g 82 Wicked Sister High Protein Pudding (Chocolate,…

What is Complementary Protein?

Proteins are made up of building blocks called amino acids. There are 22 amino acids required by your body to build its own proteins and tissues. It can produce all but nine of these, known as the “essential amino acids,” which must be obtained from your diet. Plant proteins generally lack one or more of…